
It's About Time!...

My parents finally sold their house in Washington and will moving down here August 15th! I'm so happy they will only be a 25 min drive away BUT I am going to miss Seattle SOOO much! I have lots to look forward to... Sunday dinners with the fam, spending lots of time with my cute nieces, finally having a place to escape from Provo every once in a while!
Also, I just got back from trying out this new yogurt place with my sister, it's called Yoasis. Good thing we tried a sample before we spent money on that nasty stuff. The lady told Ash most people don't like it their first time... or the next or even the next haha! So we went with the fatty Hogi Yogi ice cream instead! And just as a reminding to you all.. the Nordstrom sell starts in ONE week. I got my Nordstrom Sale Catalog in the mail yesterday, not too impressed... BUT I went and pay a visit to Nordy's today and chatted with some of the sales associates and they informed me there is gonna be lots of good stuff!
ONE LAST THING... I fly home to Washington on the 23rd to say my final good-byes :( so make sure, all you Washington readers, I get to see you!
Oh and just one more little thing...
MY soccer team made the paper! I'm working on getting the article online so you can all read it! It's a pretty big deal, considering the fact they didn't even get my last name right... urr someone is gonna die, JUST KIDDING! Any who, just had to share my 5 mins of fame!


Anonymous said...

Kels...too funny about your and Ash's "trip" for a snack...love the pic of the car...fortunately when we move, all that STUFF will be STUFFED away in a trailer! Can't wait to get er dun! Love, Papa xxxooo

Andrea said...

you're a geek. Sounds like that yogurt place isn't going to make it....can't wait to see you!!!

Just think, when we move you can spend all your Friday nights baby-sitting for us. Won't that be great?!