Oh yes another update... just what you all wanted! So I figured I'd fill ya'll in on what's been going on my life to save me sometime from repeating the story 50 times. About 3 weeks ago I started getting really bad headaches and getting really dizzy. I have had headaches since high school but never this bad. I had recently started some new medication and thought maybe it was a side affect from it. I called my doctor and he assured me it could not be from the medication. I decided to go with my gut feeling anyway and stop taking the medication. Well days went by and I still wasn't feeling any better. In fact things were just getting worse. I had to stop going to school because there was no way I was going to be able to stand and do hair for 5 hours without passing out. At this point I had been into my doctor twice and gotten some blood work done and an EKG. All the tests came back normal so my doctor honestly was at a lost to as what to do. Then about a week ago things all of a sudden seemed to be looking up and I started feeling better. Then on Friday things started looking down again. I had gone to work on Saturday and felt okay but not great. I had notice when I was sitting still my body would start swaying side to side. Kind of weird, but I really didn't think much of it. I headed up to my parents after work for a family get together and when I was there the symptoms just got worse. My Mom decided to take me to the hospital at that point. Thank goodness for small towns because I got in immediately. Once again the doctor was stumped. He thought it might of been some sort of anxiety issue, but my mom and I knew there was no way it could be... I'm as calm as a cucumber! So they end up admitting me for the night... which was a horrible experience all in it's own. Hospitals are no fun, I didn't even get ice cream or jello, come on! The next morning my family doctor came and saw me to see what the heck was going on. He was still a little stumped but decided I was safe to go home. Monday I had a MRI and then another appt with my doc... he decided it was time to put me on migraine medicine (hey I'll try anything). So now I've been on it for a day and haven't seen much change. Still haven't gotten my results from my MRI and the next step is meeting with a neurologist. So that's a little (haha) update on what's been going on in my life. Not very fun nor exciting... and I don't even have any fun pictures of my bruised up arms from all the iv's haha! But for now we just wait and pray the doctors come to some sort of conclusion. I appreciate all the love and prayers and am grateful to have so many loving people in my life! I'll promise to keep you al updated!
Loved this talk . . . Made me think of you Dad since your office is basically an airplane!
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1:59 AM
Since I'm stuck in bed sick today I figured I'd catch up a little bit on my blog. Jeremy and I got to go on a couple fun vacations before he had to rush away to Baltimore. We headed to Vegas for my 21st birthday and had so much fun. The weather was beautiful, and it was by far the best birthday ever! Then we headed to California for Easter! It was so fun getting to hang out with Jer's family and getting to know them! It was the perfect way to spend our last couple of days together before Jeremy left. I once again fell in love with California and was not excited to return to Provo. So now Jeremy is out in Baltimore for the summer, he'll be back around the 1st of September. It's been a little hard being away from each other, but thank goodness for web cams and unlimited cell phone minutes! I fly out to Baltimore next Thursday to help Annie move out there and of course see Jeremy! Here's lots of pictures... Enjoy!
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4:24 PM